Sunday, March 3, 2013

New pictures for Baba Marta Day!

Baba Marta is a holiday celebrated March 1st in Bulgaria.  It is first day of spring.  Red & white bracelets and dolls are given as gifts to friends and family as wishes of good health & fortune.  Baba is grandma in Bulgaria and she comes looking for a spring day the gifts are worn until the first sign of spring arrives then tied to a tree to bring good fortune.  I left a little money when I took my first trip to see Monika and asked that she be given little gifts from me at different times while she awaits my return.  So, in celebration of the holiday they gave her some treats from her new mama :)  and sent me pictures to show her receiving them.  In the 2nd picture you can see the Martenitsa tree to celebrate the holiday.  I am so hoping to be home with Monika in another 3-4 weeks.  Please pray things go quickly and smoothly so this can happen.

I also want to thank you to the ladies who gave me a shower for Monika.  It is so great to know she will be surrounded by loving family at home and church!  I can't wait to have her wear the cute clothes and play with the is especially going to be fun watching/ helping her ride her pretty new bicycle.  You all are the greatest!!  Thanks for being such an important part of our journey to become a family.


  1. Such a small world, we had inquired to adopt Monica too, right as you must have accepted her! We are adopting an older child from Bulgaria now, we are at the same point in the adoption, maybe we will travel the same time :) Here is our blog

  2. Wow! It is a small world. Where do you live I am near Chattanooga, TN. Monika is in Burgas, what city is Rosie from?

  3. We are near Dallas, TX. Rosie is in Bratsigovo.
